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Lyric Hammersmith Theatre

Lyric Hammersmith Theatre

Lyric Hammersmith Theatre

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Billetter til: Cinderella
Fra kr 419


Slett lagret produkt

Dette er helt nytt produkt som kan bestilles nå. Mer informasjon er på vei, så kom tilbake snart!

Cinderella is a bonafide boss-lady who runs her own business at Shepherd’s Bush Market. One day the most handsome Prince Henry, who dreams of a life less spare, wears a disguise to the Market and falls instantly in love with Cinderella. With the paparazzi in hot pursuit the Prince is forced to flee. And so begins the quest to unite the unlikeliest of likely romances, Cinderella and the hapless Prince. But will Cinderella’s step-sisters Muffy and Gusset and step-mother Lady Jelly Bottom get in the way of their happily ever after? Of course they will, it’s panto. So get ready to go to the ball, because this Prince is throwing one hell of a party in Hammersmith and everyone is invited! __Assisted Performances__ Audio Described: Saturday 16th December, 6pm Captioned: Wednesday 20th December, 6pm BSL: Wednesday 27th December, 2pm



Lyric Hammersmith, Lyric Square, King St, Hammersmith, London W6 0QL, United Kingdom



21 62 89 60 21 62 89 60

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