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Royal Opera House

Royal Opera House

Royal Opera House

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Billetter til: Rigoletto
Fra kr 1,661


Slett lagret produkt

Dette er helt nytt produkt som kan bestilles nå. Mer informasjon er på vei, så kom tilbake snart!

Rigoletto is the loyal jester to the Duke of Mantua – a powerful, dangerous man who is secretly seducing Rigoletto's daughter, Gilda, along with several countesses. When Rigoletto takes his jesting too far, the husband of one of the Duke’s conquests vows to kidnap Gilda to punish him, and the father of another curses him. Although terrified of the curse, Rigoletto is certain his daughter is safe. However, with his unwitting help, she’s kidnapped as threatened, and handed to the Duke himself. In revenge, Rigoletto hires an assassin. But before the day's end, the curse makes its deadly power felt...



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