Accidental Death of an Anarchist

Accidental Death of an Anarchist

på Lyric Hammersmith Theatre

Pris fra 603 kr

An Anarchist has fallen to his death from a police station window. But did he jump or was he thrown? As the police prepare for an inquiry into the incident, an unhinged showman known only as the Maniac is arrested and brought into the station. Seizing the opportunity to put on a show, he leads the police in an absurd recreation of their version of events, exposing the cover-ups, corruption and profound idiocy of an institution in free-fall. A razor-sharp satire, Tom Basden’s wickedly hilarious adaptation relocates Dario Fo’s classic farce to contemporary London and features a show-stopping performance from Daniel Rigby, as the Maniac. A Lyric Hammersmith Theatre and Sheffield Theatres co-production in association with Playful Productions.


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Informasjon om sted

Lyric Hammersmith Theatre
King Street, Lyric Square
W6 0QL

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Bestilling fra

Bestilling til

120 minutes

21 62 89 60 21 62 89 60 Epost Epost

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