The Good Person of Szechwan

The Good Person of Szechwan

på Lyric Hammersmith Theatre

Pris fra 394 kr

"What is the cost of being good?” In the hustle and bustle of a modern-day metropolis, it’s a dog-eat-dog world and Shen Te is doing all she can to get by. When three gods reward her hospitality with a life-changing sum of money, Shen Te opens a tobacco shop and claims the stability she’s always dreamed of. But the struggle is not over yet; she is forced to question the cost of her own survival as she resorts to scheming and deceit to flourish in this capitalist world. In its 80th anniversary, Brecht’s play is brought up to date in a new version by Nina Segal (In The Night Time (Before The Sun Rises)), directed by Anthony Lau (Sheffield Theatres’ Anna Karenina). The Good Person of Szechwan has been selected as a best theatre pick for 2023 by The Guardian, Daily Telegraph and The Times.


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Lyric Hammersmith Theatre
King Street, Lyric Square
W6 0QL

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120 minutes (approx)

21 62 89 60 21 62 89 60 Epost Epost

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